SeaPort Next Generation (“NxG”) is the U.S. Navy’s newest 21st century streamlined contracting vehicle.
SeaPort NxG is the primary contracting vehicle for the Naval Sea Systems Command (“NAVSEA”). Other Navy organizations, including the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (“SPAWAR”), the Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP”), the Military Sealift Command (“MSC”), the Naval Facilities Command “NAVFAC”), the Office of Naval Research (“ONR”), and the United States Marine Corps (“USMC”), may also use this contract.
Designed to provide rapid support to Navy organizations both ashore and afloat the contract covers a broad range of Engineering and Program Management support services. These services are further divided into 12 Engineering and 11 Program Management functional areas.
Zia has provided continuing direct environmental support to Navy weapons test programs since 2004. This support falls under the Engineering Support Services, “ Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support” functional area within the NxG contract.
Environmental compliance is a mission critical aspect of weapons testing which directly affects test schedules and the ability to meet test milestone objectives. Zia’s in-depth knowledge and experience in this specialty technical area assure client test organizations of meeting all regulatory and DOD test criteria.
Navy weapons system test programs supported by Zia include the Standard Missile (SM-l, SM-2, MR and ER), the Vertical Launch Standard, Terrier/Tartar missiles, the Aegis weapons system, the Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM), the Vertical Launch ASROC (VLA), the Sea Lance, the 5″ Guided Projectile, the Tomahawk cruise missile, the NATO Sea Sparrow, directed energy weapons, the Navy Gun Hypervelocity Projectile (HVP), and various research rocket launches.
For more information on how Zia’s NxG contract and expertise can support your test requirements or to discuss teaming on Navy support opportunities using our contract or to join our team please contact either:
Mr. William R. Dailey
SeaPort NxG Program Manager
Email: wrdailey@ziaeec.com
Voice: (703) 517-0515
Mr. Robert Romero
Contracts Manager
Email: rromero@ziaeec.com
Voice: (575) 680-2337